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Comedian’s Joke About Traveling for Work Hits the Nail Right on the Head

Looks about right!

Millions of Americans travel for work every year, and while those numbers have dropped over recent years between cutbacks and covid caution, business travel is still common across many industries. While some workers see it business travel as a nuisance, many people enjoy getting the chance to edge in a little vacation time along with their work. 

However, finding that balance of work and play during business trips still requires a surprising bit of discipline and tenacity, as anyone who's done it before will know. Comedian Joe Fenti nailed this common work travel dilemma with a quick but totally accurate joke video. 

LOL! Now this one hit a little too close to home. Joe Fenti (@fentifriedchicken on TikTok) totally nailed the struggle a lot of business travelers face! You want to make the most of your work trip and stay energized, do some sightseeing, really explore the town- but after braving the airports and a cramped flight over and all the jet lag and exhaustion, it's hard to make yourself do anything more than eat junk food and watch comfort TV. The struggle is real!

Sure, work travel may sound glamorous on the surface, or to friends who haven't actually done a lot of it. But unless you have a lot of discipline and enough free time to stick with your leisure plans, it's never actually as exciting as it seems. "Have I been to Texas? Yes. Have I seen anything but the airport, hotel and office? No," @serenagoldie quipped, nailing the "false glamour" of work travel.

Can business travel provide you with exciting exploration opportunities outside of the daily grind? Yes- but taking advantage of those opportunities can be tough, especially when you're already exhausted from your other responsibilities. So if all you want to do on your work trips is order Doordash and channel surf from the comfort of your cozy hotel bed, hey- we won't judge!

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